
Professor Ingrid Moerman
Ingrid Moerman has a longstanding experience in running and coordinating national and EU research funded projects. At the national level, she is particularly active in demand-driven research with small, medium and large Flemish enterprises. At the European level, she has coordinated several FP7/H2020 projects (CREW, WiSHFUL, eWINE, ORCA). She is involved in many national and H2020 projects related to connected vehicles and 5G/6G (Smart Highway, CONCORDA, 5G-MOBIX, 5G-CARMEN, 5G-Blueprint, DEDICAT-6G). Ingrid moerman is further highly active in several European discussion groups that drive the 6G roadmap.

Professor Jeroen Hoebeke
Jeroen Hoebeke is coordinating research on deterministic and time-sensitive wireless communication, wireless network management, (industrial) Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity and embedded communication stacks.
Research projects are often in close collaboration with industrial partners, spanning a variety of application domains such as, Industry 4.0, logistics, building automation, healthcare, animal monitoring, etc. Here, we tackle challenging industrial research problems, focus on complete end-to-end systems and, ultimately, strive to turn our solutions into proof-of-concepts.

Professor Eli De Poorter
Eli De Poorter coordinates a team that performs research related to wireless communication technologies such as (indoor) localization solutions, wireless IoT solutions and machine learning for wireless systems. For my fundamental research Eli is currently the coordinator of several research projects (SBO, FWO, GOA, etc.) and has over 120 publications in international journals or in the proceedings of international conferences. For my applied research, he actively collaborates with (Flemish) industry partners to transfer research results to industrial applications as well as to solve challenging industrial research problems.

Professor Adnan Shahid
Adnan is a professor in the Internet Technology and Data Science Lab (IDLab) of Ghent University and imec. He is the Secretary and a Voting Member of IEEE P1900.8 (active PAR)— Standard for Training, Testing, and Evaluating Machine-Learned Spectrum Awareness Models. He has been involved in several projects such as the DARPA Spectrum Collaboration Challenge (SC2), European H2020 (eWINE, WiSHFUL), and ESA (CODYSUN, MRC100). He is currently leading several European and national projects (imec ICON, FWO). Within IDLab-intelligent Wireless Networking (iWINe), he leads the ‘AI/ML for Wireless’ subgroup. His research interests include machine learning and artificial intelligence for wireless communications and networks, decentralized learning, radio resource management, the Internet of Things, 5G/6G networks, localization, connected healthcare, etc.